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Backup Configuration

Backup Sources

GRACC backup sources come from listening and duplicating all raw records sent to the system through the RabbitMQ system. The GRACC Archiver listens to the raw RabbitMQ exchanges. It listens to both the gracc.osg.raw and the gracc.osg-transfer.raw exchanges.

The archive agent stores the records into a tar.gz file located in /var/lib/graccarchive/sandbox. On new days (or agent crashes) the tar.gz files are atomically copied to /var/lib/graccarchive/output. The transfer archiver similarily stores files in /var/lib/graccarchive/sandbox-transfer and /var/lib/graccarchive/output-transfer.

The archive agent is configured in /etc/graccarchive/conf. It uses systemd template units to run both the raw jobs and raw transfer archivers at the same time.

Backup Location

The backups are copied to FNAL by the gracc-backup tool. This uses SystemD timer and service files to periodically copy the output .tar.gz files to FNAL. The final destination (gsiftp) of the files is configured in the *.service files with the tool

Restore Operation

The restore operation uses the graccunarchiver tool distributed with the GRACC Archiver agent. The workflow of a restore is:

  1. Copy the backup file from the backup location. You will likely need to use globus-url-copy in order to copy the files back from the backup location.
  2. Run the graccunarchiver tool from the GRACC Archiver on the compressed .tar.gz file, with command line arguments for the RabbitMQ parameters.

    graccunarchiver <rabbitmq_url> gracc.osg.raw gracc-2017-04-04.tar.gz
  3. After restoring the raw jobs and transfers, it may be necessary to re-summarize the restored time-period with the graccsummarizer tool.


If the backup tar.gz file was created during a crash of the agent or system, it's possible that the tar.gz end may be corrupted and you may see CRC or other errors. The vast majority of the records are fine, but the last few may be corrupted and un-retrievable.