4/2/13 Converting a gums template from the old format to the new format ---------------------------------------------------------------- The gums.template changes issued by the goc are in the old gums.config format. This is not really an gums 1.2 vs gums 1.3 format issue. It is an old vs newer format issue. The new format has been forever (at least a long time). You can have an old format config and gums works fine. The only difference in content between gums 1.2 and 1.3 is in these areas. 1. persistenceFactory element 2. vomsServer element's baseUrl and sslCAFiles attributes You can load an old format gums.template (that issued by the goc) and gums will convert it to the new format when any update is made on the UI. Step 5 below is the only difference between 1.2 and 1.3 gums and I have no idea why they forced this. ------------------------------ Conversion steps: 1. Have a gums instance. Either 1.2 or 1.3. It matters not. They both handle both new and old gums.config formats. 2. Take the 1.2 gums.config and swap out the stanza so you can access your mysql database or just change these attributes to access your mysql instance hibernate.connection.username hibernate.connection.url hibernate.connection.password 3. copy the new gums.config in. 4. go to the UI, - I do User Groups. - Select edit on anyone of them. Then click Save (you don't need to make any changes). This causes GUMS to update the gums.config... and it does it in the newer format. 5. For the 1.3 gums, these changes have to be made to the config or the user group updates (Update VO Members) will not work. a. 1.2 - sslCAFiles='' 1.3 - sslCAFiles='/etc/grid-security/certificates/*.0' The CA files have to be explicitely specificied now. .. sed -i s"%sslCAFiles=''%sslCAFiles='/etc/grid-security/certificates\/*.0'%" /etc/gums/gums.config b. 1.2 - baseUrl='https://voms.cern.ch:8443/voms/alice/services/VOMSAdmin' 1.3 - baseUrl='https://voms.cern.ch:8443/voms/alice' The service/VOMSAdmin part is dropped. .. sed -i s"%/services/VOMSAdmin%%" /etc/gums/gums.config NOTE: I have no clue as to why these have changed between gums 1.2 and 1.3. 6. I always then do an "Update VO Members" to verify that everything is correct since goc does not use a gums server to validate what they issue. - there are a number of userGroups that show failures when retrieving from their respective VOMS servers. Nothing is ever done to weed these out of the template.